This dynamic page is a work-in-progress collection of various resources (links, materials, articles, videos, webchats, etc.) which you may find useful. Please check back for future updates! 



Article about TSS (Transformative Social Systems)


Info on VUCA

Working with VUCA


Social Kata Skills

Overview Social Kata Skills


VUCA Skills Overview

Summary of VUCA skills with links


Overview Skills Map

Skills and Attributes Map


Slides Complexity

Webinar: Leadership in Complexity


CAU Skills Inventory

Complexity - Ambiguity - Uncertainty Skills


Slides Dialogue Video

Open Space Cafe NWRA Video


Slides Agile-Lean

Lean Agile Teal & Sociocracy


Slides Reinvention

Can Sociocracy Help Reinvent the world



ONLINE OST Checklist

Designing Online Open Space Events




HYBRID OST Checklist

Designing Hybrid Open Space Events




IN-SITU OST Checklist

Designing In-Situ Open Space Events



Relating and Connecting

How Imago Dialogue works



Creating Generative Systems

Building New World Capacities 1/4



Generative Dialogue (1)

Building New World Capacities 3/4



Open 2 Flow Flyer

General brochure for Open 2 Flow




Developing Quantum Organisations Slides



Online Conference Flyer

About Open Space and Dialogue



Designing Conferences

Open 2 Flow Conference Flyer



Practices of Dialogue

Practices for enabling true dialogue



Democracy Cards Info

Dialogue in Education - Learn to Change



Art of Thinking Together

Extracts from William Isaacs Dialogue


Am I in Dialogue?

Metrics showing if one is in dialogue


Multi-Mind Thinking

Understanding when one is in multi-mind