Many of our systems are struggling to navigate the turbulence caused by the rising levels of uncertainty and complexity. The skills people have relied on (and spent a lifetime acquiring) are ineffective in these new conditions. The most important attribute that our world needs to be able to adapt to a pluralistic living mind-set, curiosity, is the very one which has been drilled out of us as children when we entered school. We very quickly need to relearn this as well as many other collaborative skills.
What You Get
You learn to develop the people, organizations and ideas our world is asking for. Through customized learning journeys, you fortify teams with relevant maps, guides, tools and companions.
How We Help
- Organizations have been built to merely withstand change.
- We amplify their ability to transform themselves into living organisms capable of learning and adapting to our rapidly changing world.
- We help leaders discern what is most needed and connect them with the right tools and people at the right time.
What We Offer
Fundamentally we create spaces for dialogic enquiry, within organisations or communities. We work with our clients in helping them transition to a new world, offering customized support to meet your needs.
In collaboration with GoFish! Collective we also run a unique online group simulation for 10 - 50 people. The simulation helps the delegates from the organisation understand their corporate culture better and uncover the hidden assumptions affecting how they work and collaborate, with a view of then being better able to move beyond and co-create new ways of working and organising. For more details please read our blog or visit the simulation website.
What We Believe / What You Can Expect
- We live in a time of great change, that is inviting people and organizations to change greatly, you can expect us to craft customized learning journeys that develop “new world” capacities while you’re accomplishing present-day work.
- Navigating today’s turbulence requires each of us to bring our humanity, as well as our genius, you can expect us to care about being present to you, as we leverage our unique set of experiences, exposures, and circle of contacts to support you.
- Relationships are containers in which work gets done, you can expect us to help your teams work better together.
- Our new world is different, but that it becomes less difficult when you’re supported, you can expect us to provide you and your teams with relevant maps, tools, companions and guides for navigating these new conditions.
- Learning, in our New World, is a continuous and ongoing process, you can expect us to come alongside you, meeting you where you are, helping you get where you want to go, and resourcing you throughout the journey.
- People care about what they create, you can expect us to design with, rather than for your teams, to cultivate their engagement and ownership.
- Meaningful learning involves more than just our intellects, you can expect us to create experiences that bring the hearts, minds, and souls of your people into the process.
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